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571 lines
- - - - - - - - - - EVENTMAN.EXE vs 1.5 Notes (10/14/96) - - - - - - - -
Thanks for checking out SRO's Eventman!
EVENTMAN is SHAREWARE - NOT FREEWARE. If you use it for an extended period
(like 30 days) you are expected to register. If you do, you'll receive the
latest copy of the program (without that annoying guilt screen).
The cost is $15 plus $2 s/h in US, $4 s/h outside US. California residents
must slso add 8.25% state sales tax.
P.O. Box 5028
Blue Jay, CA 92317
You can also register with your credit card by calling (909) 337-7535.
Or you can register on Compuserve's shareware registration forum.
Just GO SWREG, ID# 5021.
Print the "Register.txt" file for order info.
The very nature of Task Scheduling software makes it more particularily
dangerous than most any other kind of program. It is designed to unleash
processes on a PC unchecked by the user. TEST ALL OF YOUR EVENTS BEFORE
The FINE Print
Due to the variety of software and harware that may be present on a user's PC,
employees, or anyone who had a part in developing this software will never be
held responsible or liable for any damages to the software, hardware, physical
being or emotional status of any user in any actual or consequential methods
which might result from the use, misuse, or abuse of this software.
EVENTMAN.EXE is a Windows (3.1x, '95, NT) task scheduler written in VB Pro vs.
3.0. Event Manager was designed to run on any 100% IBM compatible PC with a
386 or better CPU and at least 4 megabytes of ram. Eventman itself uses only
200K of ram and 3% of system resources when idle, however, when running events,
your system must be able to load the event program, and Event Manager will just
about double in size.
Installing is easy. Just run INSTALL.EXE from File Manager/Explorer.
EVENTMAN.EXE is a Windows (3.1x, '95, NT) task/alarm scheduler. Its purpose
is to let your computer do things (like download files or do backups..) while
you're away (or asleep). You can schedule an unlimited number of EVENTS,
ALARMS, or TASKS to be run on any date, or any time during the week. Alarms
can play a wave file and/or flash a message on the screen and can be set to
dissapear after a specified amount of time or stay on screen until you hit OK.
Events can use command line parameters to specify options, or load files.
You can also have Event Manager send keystroke macros to your programs to make
them do just about ANYTHING you could do sitting in front of them. You can
exit or restart Windows, and send keystrokes to ANY open Windows application.
What is an "EVENT"
An "EVENT" in Event Manager is a Program (.EXE, .COM, .BAT or .PIF) set to
run on a specific day and time, with certain user definable options. See
"EVENT EDITOR" below for a description of event options.
What is an "ALARM"
An "ALARM" is simply a message to yourself set to appear on a specific day
and time. A wave file can be played back at the alarm time also.
What is a "TASK"
"TASK" editor lets you :
A) Send keystrokes to ANY open window (launched by EM or not).
B) Exit/restart Windows or exit Event Manager.
Startup Screen
1) Button Bar
Duplicates some of the most frequently used menu functions.
2) File
Name of the currently loaded event data file.
3) Current Day/Time
There to let you know the current system time and day of week as set in
Window's Control Panel.
4) Scheduled Events
The event list shows the descriptive titles assigned to your events. You
can copy, paste, and clear events using the "Event Menu", or the standard
Windows "Ctl C", "Ctl V" and "Ctl X" commands. To edit an event, click
the "Edit Event" button, double click on the event title, or choose "Edit"
from the "Event Menu". You can run any event immediatly by clicking the
"Run NOW" button or by choosing "Run" from the "Event Menu".
5) Type List
The list in the middle shows the alarm/event status of each item. Double
click the list to switch between "event", "alarm" and "task".
6) Enabled List
The small list on the far right shows the enabled on or off status of each
event. Double clicking the list enables/disables individual events. You
can still run any event immediately with the "Run NOW" button even if the
event's enabled status is set to "Off". Also, events run with the command
line option "/R" will run regardless of the "Enabled" setting (see "command
line options" near the end of this file).
7) Help Bar
The help bar at the bottom of the screen gives you instant information on
most of the controls and buttons you see on the screen. Anything you move
the mouse over,or TAB to in the startup or editor screens will be described
here. In addition to help, Eventman will also show here any errors that
occur during processing. See "ERRORS" at the end of this file for more
Event Editor
The Event Editor is where you set all the options for running your event. You
can reach this screen by double clicking an event, clicking the "Edit Event"
button, or selecting "Edit" from the Event Menu.
1) Event
This is a descriptive title for your event. It's the title that appears
in the main screen's event list.
2) Schedule Mode
This selects whether to schedule your event by "DAY" (day of week) or "DATE".
3) Event Day / Date
This sets the day of week (or date) for your event to run on. In addition
to scheduling an event on a specific date, you can make your event run on a
single day, have it run every day, run on weekdays only, or Never. When the
"Sched mode" is set to BY DATE, the event day list becomes the "event date"
box. You can enter any valid date (in any date format). Event Manager will
verify the date, then (if valid) convert it to "mm-dd-yyyy" format. You can
double click on the "Event day/date" caption to select TODAY. Event Manager
checks Windows for the current day and date, and displays them at the top of
the startup screen. Be sure your computer's clock is set right! NOTE : By
day "never" selection has been added to allow unscheduled events for running
with the new command line "AutoRun" option. (see end of this document)
4) Event Time
Selects the time to run your event based on a 24 hour clock. You can double
click on the "Event time" caption to select NOW as the time. Event manager
checks Windows for the current time every 1/10th a second, and displays it at
the top of the startup screen.
NOTE : You can use CTRL+N to set both day/date and time to "NOW".
5) Max Length
This sets a limit on how long your event will be allowed to run. You can set
this interval between 1 minute and 4 hours. A setting of 00 will disable the
timer, and the event will run until it ends by itself. The timer starts after
the program is loaded, and after any keystrokes sent to the program have been
processed. After the timer expires, Event Manager ends the program whether it
is finished or not! This might be helpful if your event logs onto an online
service and you want to limit your phone bill, but beware. If your event is
doing a backup or system maintainence, early termination could be dangerous to
your system. Your best bet is using an application that can shut off when done.
6) Ask before running Event
This enables a dialog that will prompt the user before running this event.
Normally, events are expected to be run unattended, so this box should be
left UNCHECKED unless you are sure someone will be using the system when
this event is scheduled to run.
7a) Program
The set button in this box lets you choose the program this event will
run. You can choose any .EXE, .COM, .BAT or .PIF file. Event Manager
is designed to run Windows applications, however, Dos programs can also
run with a few limits you MUST OBSERVE. Event Manager cannot Send Keys
to a Dos program, and it cannot terminate a Dos Event. If you select a
Dos program as an event, disable (set to 00) the "Max Length" timer, and
pick a program that will "self terminate" and return you to Windows after
it's done.
7b) Window Style
Window style sets the way the program loads. The Normal, Minimized and
Maximized settings work just like the controls in the upper left corner
of most Windows programs. If you use any of these three modes to run
your event, Event Manager stays in the background and lets the program
do it's work. NO OTHER scheduled EVENTS will be run. The background
setting is different, it makes the program load as a minimized icon at
the bottom of the screen. When run in this way, a program is launched
and forgotten by Event Manager. It continues to run in the background
until it's finished. OTHER scheduled EVENTS WILL be run.
8) Command Line
This sets an optional parameter that is placed after the program name on
the command line. Many programs can load a data file or run with special
options you specified on the command line. See the program documentation
for command line options.
9) Working Directory
The Working directory line allows you to specify an alternate directory to
use as the application's startup directory. This (normally) changes where
the program looks for it's files. EX : Window's Notepad.exe would normally
be launched by running "notepad.exe" from "c:\windows", and would therefore
default to the "c:\windows" directory when you use the "file\open" command.
With the Working directory set to "c:\files\text", Event Manager switches to
"c:\files\text" then runs "c:\windows\notepad.exe". If you then selected
"file\open", you would get "c:\files\text" as the default directory. Note :
(double click for a directory selection dialog)
10) Keystrokes
NOTE: You can double click, or press enter in the keystroke box to
use a multi-line keystroke editor. You can also double click on
the "Keystrokes" caption to see a keystroke reference screen.
OK, heres the big one! This option lets you send keystrokes to a
program as if they were entered at the keyboard. If your event
program is capable of running by itself, you should never need this
function. Unfortunately, most programs can't do anything without
user input. Windows comes with a macro recorder (recorder.exe) for
just this purpose. In fact, if you know how to use recorder, you can
launch your macros from Event Manager and have the extra ability to
use mouse functions to run your programs. Below are guidelines for
using the Keystrokes option to run your programs.
NOTE : You CANNOT send keystrokes to a Dos application, or to any program
set to run in a "BACKGROUND" window.
This is the most important! You must know what keys your program can
respond to if you want to send "key codes" to it. Run the program,
and note what keys you press. If you normally use the mouse, look at
the underlined letters on the menus and buttons as well as the key
combinations to the right of menu commands to know what keystrokes
are required. If you use items that don't have underlines or key
combinations, you can usually use the arrow or tab keys to get to
NOTE: Event Manager has a keystroke reference screen. You reach it by
double clicking the word "Keystrokes" in the "Event Edit" screen.
Once you know what keys it takes to make the program do something, you
turn those keystrokes into "KEYCODES". Don't be intimidated, many key-
codes are exactly what you type on the keyboard.
Here are the rules :
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* The alphanumeric characters (A-Z, 0-9) stay just the way they are.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* "Action keys" and F-Keys (keys that "do things") are used by enclosing
the "key name" in braces. # of times to press them goes to the right.
Example: {TAB} {TAB 3} {ESC} {F10} {UP} {DOWN 4} {LEFT} {ENTER}
The "ENTER" key can be specified either with {ENTER} or ~
A "SPACE" or " " can be specified using { }
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* The "ALT" "SHIFT" & "CONTROL" keys "modify" other keys. These have
special symbols. Alt = % - Shift = + - Control = ^.
EXAMPLE : ^C is "Control+C" which usually means "COPY"
%E is "ALT+E" which will usually access the edit menu.
These "modifier" codes modify the immediatly following key. To show
several keys held down at once, you enclose the "modified" keys in
parentheses ().
EXAMPLE : If you had an application that does something when you press
"ALT", "SHIFT", and "F2" simultaneosly, you would use the
following : %(+{F2})
If you want to use any of the special symbols (~,%,^ or +) as text
instead of their "code" meanings, enclose them in braces.
EXAMPLE : To put the characters "100% + 10" into Notepad, then print
them, you could use the following : 100{%}{+}10%FP
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Event Manager uses comma's to separate commands. You can specify any
number of keys to send to a program, and in most cases, the program
will be able to process them all at once. However, if you need to
give the program time to finish something before sending the next set
of keystrokes, insert a comma in the key sequence. Eventman will wait
one second for each comma it finds. This is also helpful when you're
testing your keystrokes as it allows you to see a menu item getting
highlighted before the next key is sent.
NOTE : Event Manager see's the comma as an "END OF COMMAND" character.
You must also put a comma at the end of the keystroke-sequence
or the last characters will be ignored!
The delay time control in the keystroke box sets the amount of time
Eventman waits after the application loads to send keystrokes to it.
Some programs take quite a while to load, and will not accept commands
until the loading process is finished. If you find that the first
keystrokes don't get to your program, you should increase this time.
11) Repeating Events
Check "Repeat this Event" to run the event multiple times at specific
intervals. Event Manager can repeat an event up to 99 times at minute,
hour, day, week and month intervals.
Note that the event checking timer performs a calculation loop every
1/2 a second to determine if any of the repeats should be run. This
routine is quite efficient, but you will want to avoid setting more
than 80 events repeating 10 times in the same day as this is as many
as we have tested. Theoretically, you could schedule 2000 events to
run in the same day and not miss any of them, but I wouldn't want to
put this to the test!
12) Kill Program
This feature lets you select a program for Event Manager to kill
before running the event. If you have a program that might conflict
with the scheduled event, Event Manager will end the program and
reload it after the event is finished. To do this, you must specify
both "Window Title", and "program name".
A) Window Title
Event manager finds the program to end by its "Window Title". This
is the name that appears in Windows Task List (run by double clicking
desktop in Windows 3.1) and below a program's icon when minimized.
When the event finishes, Event Manager loads the program selected with
the "set" button. NOTE : You can now select the window title by double
clicking on the "Window Title" box to bring up a list of currently open
program windows.
B) Shutdown Method
This specifies the keystrokes used to terminate the program that will
be shut down. Most Windows software can be closed using the default
"ALT+F4". If the program you are killing can not, you can specify
what keystrokes are to be used by typing them in this box. You can
also hit the "DEF" button to restore the default shutdown keystrokes.
C) Reload
This specifies the .EXE file name of the program to be loaded once the
event has finished executing. It is presumed (but not required) that
this will be the same program which is terminated (listed under
"Window Title").
Alarm Editor
The Alarm Editor is where you set the options for your alarms. You can reach this
screen by double clicking an alarm, clicking the "Edit Alarm" button, or selecting
"Edit" from the Event Menu. The functions are identical to the Event Editor with
the following exeptions.
1) Alarm Text
Text you want to show when the alarm panel appears onscreen. Up to 250
characters can be displayed.
2) Alarm Style
Mode to run alarm. "Simple" just shows the alarm text, and plays a wave file
(if selected) once when the alarm loads. "Flashing" will alternate the style
of the alarm text at regular intervals. "Loop Wave" will repeat the selected
wave file until the alarm is deactivated.
3) Play Wave
Enables wave audio playback to punctuate your alarm. To use, an audio device
must be set up in Window's "Control Panel / Drivers"
"Task" Editor
The "Task" Editor is where you set options for sending keystrokes to open windows,
or restarting Windows. You can reach this screen by double clicking a "task" in
the list, clicking the "Edit Task" button, or selecting "Edit" from the Task Menu.
1) Name
This is a descriptive title for your task. It's the title that appears in the
main screen's event list.
2) Schd Mode
Selects scheduling by "Day of week" or "Date".
3) Task Day/Date
When to run your task. When "Sched mode" is set to "BY DATE" . The "task day"
list becomes the "task date" text box. You can enter any valid date (in any date
format). Event Manager will verify the date, then (if a valid date) convert it to
"mm-dd-yyyy" format. You can also double click on the "Task day/date" caption to
select the current day or date.
3) Task Time
Sets the time to run your task based on a 24 hour clock. You can double click
on the "Task time" caption to select the current time. Event manager checks
Windows for the current time every 1/10th a second, and displays it at the top
of the startup screen.
NOTE : You can use CTRL+N to set both day/date and time to "NOW".
4) Task Length
This is different for a "TASK" than it is for an "EVENT" since there is no
program to terminate. In this case, the max length setting makes Event Manager
wait until the selected amount of time expires before returning to process other
events. This means you can have Event Manager wait until the Window you sent
keystrokes to is finished processing before any other events can be run. You
can set this interval anywhere from 1 minute to 4 hours. A setting or "00" will
disable the timer, and other events will be run immediately after your keystrokes
are sent.
5) Ask before running Task
This enables a dialog that will prompt the user before running this task.
Normally, tasks are expected to be run unattended, so this box should be
left UNCHECKED unless you are sure someone will be using the system when
this task is scheduled to run.
Exit / Restart Windows
This allows Event Manager to Shut down Windows in one of four different modes.
* Exit Windows - Just what it says, dumps you at the DOS PROMPT.
* Restart Windows - Exit and immediately restart. Like what Windows does
when you install drivers.
* Reboot System - Shut down the whole system.
* Exit/Run/Restart - Exit Windows, run the specified DOS program or batch
file (with command line if specified), then restart windows.
Send keys to open window (Same as "Event" sendkeys, but different!)
In this case, you're sending keystrokes to ANY open Window (whether EM launched
the program or not). Keystrokes are the same as with EVENTS. You can double click
on the "Window" box to select from currently opened windows. You can still double
click on the Keystrokes window to open a Keystroke Editor, and you can still double
click the "KEYSTROKES" caption to open the keystroke reference.
Command Line Options
Though a bit unusual (or just "unused" ?) in Windows, Event Manager now has
three command line options : Filename, /R and /X.
FileName - event data file ( EX : "C:\EVENTMAN\MYDATA.DAT" )
Loads the specified data file instead of the default (last file saved). The file
you specify must have the extension ".DAT" for Event Manager to see it, and Event
Manager will create a new blank file if it isn't found. The filename can appear
anywhere on the commandline and in combination with the switches listed below.
/R - "AUTORUN" ( EX : "/R1" or "/R10,8,5,2" )
This allows you to have Event Manager run the specified Event number(s) (in event
list order) immediately on startup. Any number of events can be specified, you
must simply separate them with comma's.
/X - "AUTOEXIT" ( EX : "/X" or "/X20" )
This switch causes Event Manager to unload itself after finishing specific tasks.
You can specify a delay time after the /X to wait that number of seconds before
unloading. NOTE : Autrun events will always be run first.
Password Protection
Note : The initial password was preset to "abcdefg".
The "Password" menu provides access to Event Manager's extensive password protection
options. "Enter Password" will call a dialog box to enter your password and disable
the password protection, "Password Options" brings up the password options screen, and
"Secure" immediately enables password protection with whatever options are specified.
If password protection is enabled with no protection specified in the options screen,
Event Manager will only disable the password options box.
Password data file "eventman.pdf" is encrypted using our own Multiple Unknown Code Key
(MUCK) encryption algorithm which renders the ecrypted file (by itself) impossible to
decode. Even with the key codes, it would take a decryption genius at least a couple
of seconds to break. If this file is tampered with (or deleted) when protection is
enabled, Event Manager will load in "full protection mode", with no possible access
Password Options
The "Password Options" screen sets all your protection options including restrictions,
time out value, password and password messages.
1) Disable all file commands.
This disables the "open" and "save" buttons, as well as the entire file menu.
2) Disable all edit commands.
Disables the edit functions in the edit menu, the startup menu, and the "edit
event" button. Will also activate the password screen when an event is double-
3) Disable run (now) event.
Disables the event menu "run" item and the "run now" button. Events will still
launch as scheduled.
4) Hide event list.
Removes the event list. Note : This does not disable event editing!
5) Stay minimized.
Forces Event Manager to remain minimized. Prompts for the password if a user
double clicks the icon. Hides startup screen until correct password is entered.
6) Disable exit.
Disables the file menu "exit" item as well as the "exit" button. "ALT+F4" no
longer shuts down Event Manager at any time.
7) Make invisible. (watch out with this one!)
This is the most stealthy and formidable protection. Makes Event Manager
completely invisible! No screen, no icon, nothing. Can NOT be reached
using "ALT+TAB" unless it was previously accessed with Task Manager, and
Even then, it's invisible. We had to create some way for the supervisor
to reach Event Manager without being easy for the average user to find, so
here is the trick. First, bring up Task Manager and click on Event Manager.
Next, select "switch to". You won't be able to see it, but Event Manager
will become the active program. Pressing "Ctrl+F4" (password hotkey) will
now bring up the password dialog box. If you enter the correct password,
Event Manger will be visible again, if not, it stays invisible PERIOD! You
will have to reboot to try again!
Enable Protection on Startup
Does just that. Any restrictions selected will be automatically engaged when
the program is launched.
Password entry screen will time out after the interval (4, 8, 12, 16 seconds)
has expired. (Since there's no limit to attempts, this is only as useful as
its annoyance to someone trying to guess the password!)
Since Event Manager is meant to be run unattended, it wouldn't be much good for it to
generate error message boxes like most programs. If it did, no events would execute
until the user hit the "OK" button.
When Event Manager encounters (harmless) errors either in its own processing or in the
way it was configured by the user, it shows them in an overlay on the help bar at the
bottom of the startup screen. Errors are displayed this box (even after Eventman is
closed) and are saved in the eventman.ini file. They don't go away until the user
double clicks on the error message to clear it. Errors without error numbers are USER
errors. Check your settings and try again! If you get an error message with an error
number ahead of it, DON'T FREAK OUT, ALL PROGRAMS GENERATE ERRORS, (they don't always
tell you!) If you run into an error that stops or crashes eventman, then FREAK OUT
(or at least let us know so we can fix it)!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To :
A) Register Eventman
B) Receive product information
C) Give us comments or suggestions
Please call, write, fax or email us.
You can reach us at:
P.O. Box 5028
Blue Jay, CA 92317
Phone (909) 337-7535 Fax (909) 337-0575
Email: INTERNET : srosystems@local.net
COMPUSERVE : 75604,3535
We answer most calls/faxes/email within one day.